Inverkip - Kirkcudbright

Pictures taken on our Summer holiday 2013 on our journey from Inverkip to Kirkcudbright
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Inverkip hotel  A friendly family-run Hotel set in the heart of Inverkip, a historic conservation village on the magnificent Clyde Coast of Scotland; gateway to the Highlands and Islands. : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel On strike  Hoover behaving badly : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Rosslyn Chapel  Rosslyn Chapel, formally known as the Collegiate Chapel of St Matthew, was founded on a small hill above Roslin Glen as a Catholic collegiate church (with between four and six ordained canons and two boy choristers) in the mid-15th century. The chapel was founded by William Sinclair, 1st Earl of Caithness of the Sinclair family, a noble family descended in part from Norman knights from the commune of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte in northern France, using the standard designs the medieval architects made available to him. Construction of the chapel began on 20 September 1456, although it has often been recorded as 1446. The confusion over the building date comes from the chapel's receiving its founding charter to build a collegiate chapel in 1446 from Rome. Sinclair did not start to build the chapel until he had built houses for his craftsmen. Although the original building was to be cruciform in shape, it was never completed; only the choir was constructed, with the retro-chapel, otherwise called the Lady chapel, built on the much earlier crypt (Lower Chapel) believed to form part of an earlier castle. The foundations of the unbuilt nave and transepts stretching to a distance of 90 feet were recorded in the 19th century. The decorative carving was executed over a forty-year period. After the founder's death, construction of the planned nave and transepts was abandoned - either from lack of funds, lack of interest or a change in liturgical fashion. The Chapel is the setting for part of Dan Brown's 2003 novel The Da Vinci Code. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Rosslyn Chapel  Rosslyn Chapel, formally known as the Collegiate Chapel of St Matthew, was founded on a small hill above Roslin Glen as a Catholic collegiate church (with between four and six ordained canons and two boy choristers) in the mid-15th century. The chapel was founded by William Sinclair, 1st Earl of Caithness of the Sinclair family, a noble family descended in part from Norman knights from the commune of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte in northern France, using the standard designs the medieval architects made available to him. Construction of the chapel began on 20 September 1456, although it has often been recorded as 1446. The confusion over the building date comes from the chapel's receiving its founding charter to build a collegiate chapel in 1446 from Rome. Sinclair did not start to build the chapel until he had built houses for his craftsmen. Although the original building was to be cruciform in shape, it was never completed; only the choir was constructed, with the retro-chapel, otherwise called the Lady chapel, built on the much earlier crypt (Lower Chapel) believed to form part of an earlier castle. The foundations of the unbuilt nave and transepts stretching to a distance of 90 feet were recorded in the 19th century. The decorative carving was executed over a forty-year period. After the founder's death, construction of the planned nave and transepts was abandoned - either from lack of funds, lack of interest or a change in liturgical fashion. The Chapel is the setting for part of Dan Brown's 2003 novel The Da Vinci Code. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel
Crosses  Rosslyn Chapel's fence : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Curious dog  A dog with a blush toy in Melrose : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Melrose Abbey  The abbey is built in the form of St. John's cross, of the Gothic style of architecture, and is 79 m in length; the breadth 41 m; and 287 m in circumference. A considerable part of the principal tower is now in ruins; its present height is 26 m. There are many very superb windows; the principal one at the east end (which is the top nave of the cross,) appears to have been more recently built than the others, and is 17 m in extreme height, and 8.5 m wide. It has been ornamented with statues. The beauty of the carved work, with which the abbey is profusely decorated, is seldom equalled. There are in the external view of the building 50 windows, 4 doors, 54 niches, and above, 50 buttresses. The abbey was much injured by the English in 1322 and 1384. Richard II made it a grant in 1389, as some compensation for the injuries it had sustained in the retreat of his army. It was also greatly defaced by Protestants during the Reformation. There were 100 monks, without including the abbot and dignitaries. The last abbot was James Stewart, natural son of James V, who died in 1559. The privileges and possessions of the abbey were very extensive, and it was endowed by its founder, David, with the lands of Melrose, Eildon, and other places; the right of fishery on the Tweed; and succeeding monarchs increased its property. In 1542, the revenue of the abbey was, "£1758 in money, 14 chalders nine bolls of wheat, 56 chal. 5 bolls of barley, 78 chal. 13 bolls of meal, 44 chal. 10 bolls of oats, 84 capons, 620 poultry, 105 stone of butter, 8 chal. of salt, 340 loads of peats, and 500 carriages;" besides 60 bolls of corn, 300 barrels (48 m3) of ale, and 18 hogsheads of wine, for the service of the mass: a large quantity for the entertainment of strangers; £4,000 for the care of the sick; and £400 to the barber. These were given up at the commencement of the reformation in 1561. The lands were either seized by the crown, or divided amongst the nobles. A large portion fell into the hands of the Scotts of Buccleuch. : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Melrose Abbey  St Mary's Abbey  was founded in 1136 by Cistercian monks on the request of King David I of Scotland, and was the chief house of that order in the country, until the Reformation. It was headed by the Abbot or Commendator of Melrose. Today the abbey is maintained by Historic Scotland. The east end of the abbey was completed in 1146. Other buildings in the complex were added over the next 50 years. The abbey was built in the Gothic manner, and in the form of a St. John's cross. A considerable portion of the abbey is now in ruins, though a structure dating from 1590 is maintained as a museum open to the public. Alexander II and other Scottish kings and nobles are buried at the abbey. The embalmed heart of Robert the Bruce is also said to rest on the abbey's grounds, while the rest of his body is buried in Dunfermline Abbey. In 1812, a stone coffin that some speculated was that of Michael Scot, the philosopher and "wizard", was found in an aisle in the abbey's south chancel. The abbey is known for its many carved decorative details, including likenesses of saints, dragons, gargoyles and plants. On one of the abbey's stairways is an inscription by John Morow, a master mason, which says Be halde to ye hende ("Keep in mind, the end, your salvation"). This has become the motto of the town of Melrose. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel
Melrose Abbey  St Mary's Abbey  was founded in 1136 by Cistercian monks on the request of King David I of Scotland, and was the chief house of that order in the country, until the Reformation. It was headed by the Abbot or Commendator of Melrose. Today the abbey is maintained by Historic Scotland. The east end of the abbey was completed in 1146. Other buildings in the complex were added over the next 50 years. The abbey was built in the Gothic manner, and in the form of a St. John's cross. A considerable portion of the abbey is now in ruins, though a structure dating from 1590 is maintained as a museum open to the public. Alexander II and other Scottish kings and nobles are buried at the abbey. The embalmed heart of Robert the Bruce is also said to rest on the abbey's grounds, while the rest of his body is buried in Dunfermline Abbey. In 1812, a stone coffin that some speculated was that of Michael Scot, the philosopher and "wizard", was found in an aisle in the abbey's south chancel. The abbey is known for its many carved decorative details, including likenesses of saints, dragons, gargoyles and plants. On one of the abbey's stairways is an inscription by John Morow, a master mason, which says Be halde to ye hende ("Keep in mind, the end, your salvation"). This has become the motto of the town of Melrose. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel The Pulpitum  The Pulpitum, or screen, which closed off the west end of the monks' choir from the rest of the church. There were altars on either side of the doorway. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Beautiful window  An example of beautiful windowsof the church : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel The Roof  Beautiful and skillfully made roof is still partly intact. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel
Melrose Abbey  Window frames of the church : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel East end window  There are many very superb windows; the principal one at the east end (the top nave of the cross) appears to have been more recently built than the others. It is 17 m high and 8.5 m wide. : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel A grave  One of the graves inside the abbey. Unfortunately I have no idea whose this is. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel South cross  The south cross of the church with it's magnificient window : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Melrose Abbey, Scotland, Skotlanti, abbey, church, historia, history, kesäloma, kirkko, matka, travel
Roof  South cross roof. Another piece of skillful building in Gothic style. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Narrow doorways  Interior of Melrose abbey : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel The Bell  The bell in the remains of the tower. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Melrose Abbey  A view of the abbey from the tower remains : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel
Melrose Abbey  Roof details of the church : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Gargoyle  A gargoyle, kinda looks like a shouting person : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Decorated pillar  One of the support pillars of Melrose abbey with a figurine : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Roof  A very complex roof structure : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel
Melrose Abbey  The abbey is built in the form of St. John's cross, of the Gothic style of architecture, and is 79 m in length; the breadth 41 m; and 287 m in circumference. A considerable part of the principal tower is now in ruins; its present height is 26 m. There are many very superb windows; the principal one at the east end (which is the top nave of the cross,) appears to have been more recently built than the others, and is 17 m in extreme height, and 8.5 m wide. It has been ornamented with statues. The beauty of the carved work, with which the abbey is profusely decorated, is seldom equalled. There are in the external view of the building 50 windows, 4 doors, 54 niches, and above, 50 buttresses. The abbey was much injured by the English in 1322 and 1384. Richard II made it a grant in 1389, as some compensation for the injuries it had sustained in the retreat of his army. It was also greatly defaced by Protestants during the Reformation. There were 100 monks, without including the abbot and dignitaries. The last abbot was James Stewart, natural son of James V, who died in 1559. The privileges and possessions of the abbey were very extensive, and it was endowed by its founder, David, with the lands of Melrose, Eildon, and other places; the right of fishery on the Tweed; and succeeding monarchs increased its property. In 1542, the revenue of the abbey was, "£1758 in money, 14 chalders nine bolls of wheat, 56 chal. 5 bolls of barley, 78 chal. 13 bolls of meal, 44 chal. 10 bolls of oats, 84 capons, 620 poultry, 105 stone of butter, 8 chal. of salt, 340 loads of peats, and 500 carriages;" besides 60 bolls of corn, 300 barrels (48 m3) of ale, and 18 hogsheads of wine, for the service of the mass: a large quantity for the entertainment of strangers; £4,000 for the care of the sick; and £400 to the barber. These were given up at the commencement of the reformation in 1561. The lands were either seized by the crown, or divided amongst the nobles. A large portion fell into the hands of the Scotts of Buccleuch. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel The pig playing bagpipe  This was a very popular image in the medieval Celtic world.  Pigs with bagpipes show up again and again in carvings and illuminations from Ireland, Scotland, and North England–and nobody is sure why. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Water line  Monks had a canal leading water from the river Tweed. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel The Great Drain  It supplied water to the monastery from the river Tweed. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel
Commendator's House  The Commendator was an appointed abbot, in latter years usually someone with powerful friends or relations wanting to benefit from the income attached to the post. The house dates back to the 1400s and 1500s and is today used as a museum to display various finds from the abbey. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Commendator's House  The list of abbots : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Grazing  A horse grazing right next to the Commendator's House : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel The Midsteeple  Former toll booth and prison on the high street dating back to 1708 now used as an art centre. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel
The Midsteeple  Former toll booth and prison on the high street dating back to 1708 now used as an art centre. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Trades Hall  Trades Hall was originally built in 1804 over the meal market.  The building was first occupied in 1806.  The ground floor was converted into shops in 1847. It was renovated (as indicated by a plaque) in 1988.  The Queensberry Monument, which is a memorial to Charles Douglas, 3rd Duke of Queensberry (1698 - 1778). Dating from 1780, this A-listed monument is the work of Robert Adam (1728-92), is 6.4m in height and topped by a flaming urn. The monument was taken down in 1934 but was replaced in 1990. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Greyfriars Church  The present Greyfriars Church is Gothic is design and the building dates from 1868. The site, and adjacent area, has been associated with Christian life in the community for centuries. It was in the Church of the Grey Friars (60 metres west of the present Greyfriars Church) that Robert the Bruce murdered John III Comyn, a rival for the Scottish crown, in 1306. Robert the Bruce was excommunicated as a result, less for the murder than for its location, but nonetheless went on to become King of Scotland. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Robert Burns' statue  The committee approved a model for the statue proposed by the artist Amelia Paton Hill. She had exhibited portrait busts, animal figures and genre groups at the Royal Academy, and all these elements are to be found in her statue of Burns, which is probably her best known work. The statue was carved in Carrara by Italian craftsmen working to Amelia Hill's model. It was unveiled by the Earl of Rosebery on 6th April 1882. In the century since it has been moved on several occasions due to road improvements in the vicinity. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel
Teddy Bears' picnic  Teddy bears going on a picnic : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Irish Street  A nice-looking building on Irish Street : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Byre antiques  Cute painting covering antiques store windows : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Paws to buy  Pet store window covers kinda making it clear what's inside : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel
Closed down  I suppose these stores are all closed down but the house is kinda cute, even though in a bad shape : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Former site of Greyfriars monastery  A picture showing Robert the Bruce slaying the Red Comyn. John III 'Red' Comyn, Lord of Badenoch and Lord of Lochaber, also known simply as the Red Comyn (died 10 February 1306) was a Scottish nobleman who was an important figure in the Wars of Scottish Independence, and was Guardian of Scotland during the Second Interregnum 1296–1306. He is best known for having been stabbed to death by the future Robert I of Scotland before the altar at the church of the Greyfriars. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Ye Olde Friars Vaults   An old-looking building housing a pub : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Devorgilla  'The Old Bridge'.  A bridge - probably wooden - is said to have been built across the Nith at Dumfries by Devorgilla Balliol some time in the 1260's. A document of 1431/2 refers to 'the bridge which has recently begun' at Dumfries. This structure was swept away by a flood in 1621. This rebuilt 17th century bridge originally had nine arches, but on the reclamation of the eastern bank of river early in the 19th century the three eastern arches were removed, leaving the remaining six arches spanning a width of 163 ft. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel
Bird  A stone bird figure in the pavement : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel A fountain  A fountain erected in 1882 on the location of an original fountain where water from Lochfoot was used in 1851. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel A fountain  A fountain erected in 1882 on the location of an original fountain where water from Lochfoot was used in 1851. : 2013, EOS 5D, Holiday, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel A tired pooch  A dog taking a nap : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel
Dumfries ghost walk  Evidently ghost walks are very popular in Britain, as there's plenty in every town we visited. : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel The Selkirk Arms hotel  A 17 bedroom privately owned and managed townhouse hotel in the heart of the pretty harbour town of Kirkcudbright. Where good food, friendly service and a warm welcome await. It’s the gentle pace and peaceful atmosphere which perhaps moved Scotland’s national poet Robert Burns to write the famous Selkirk Grace at this very hotel in 1794. We spent a night here and it was indeed a nice place. Somehow the owner reminded me immediately of Basil, from Fawlty towers. No he wasn't rude, but as tall and quick in his moves :). : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Cannons close  A narrow street in Kirkcudbright : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Kirkcudbright Tolbooth  The Tolbooth Art Centre is based in Kirkcudbright’s 17th century Tolbooth, which served previously as the Town Council offices, Burgh and Sheriff courts and the criminal and debtor’s prison. One of its most famous prisoners was John Paul Jones, hero of the American Navy. : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel
Art  A piece of art beside the street : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Baytree House Bed & Breakfast  A colourful Georgian townhouse bed and breakfast in artists' town Kirkcudbright, Baytree House is packed with stunning original features and sits right on the old historic High Street. : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Grey and Brown  Nice colourful houses : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel 31 Castle Street  Bed and Breakfast Accommodation This accommodation is within a lovely Georgian town house close to centre of town. : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel
Bright colours  Bed and Breakfast Accommodation This accommodation is within a lovely Georgian town house close to centre of town. : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Masonic Arms  Another Georgian town house, this one serving as a pub. : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel MacLellan's Castle  The castle was the noble residence of the MacLellan family. It was completed in 1582 by Thomas Maclellan of Bombie. : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel A way in  A lady with really long hair is waiting for his prince to arrive : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel
Colourful huts  Nice, colourful huts in the harbour area : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Earl of Selkirk memorial  A memorial for Dunbar James Earl of Selkirk, who died in 1885. Erected by his wife, Cecely Louisa, Countess of Selkirk. : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel Town hall  Town hall, museum and library all in one. : 2013, Holiday, Nokia Pureview 808, Scotland, Skotlanti, kesäloma, matka, travel